Red Heat Movie Review

Schwarzenegger teams up with Belushi for your standard hero/buddy cop flick with a twist.. Belushi is your snarky bad cop from Chicago, while Schwarzenegger is a tough as nails Russian from Russia! (blog post) That's about it, other than that the plot's pretty standard to be honest.Source: Red Heat Movie Review (blog post) - Decker Shado More Vi

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Rogue One Movie Review

The 8th movie in the Star Wars series.. or 9th, if you count the holiday special, is not an episode! Or is episode 3 and a half. Either way, it is the film version (blog) of the text from the original movie, (blog) where rebels steal the plans to the Death Star. Of course, the text left out that part (blog post) about the ninja and the supernukes

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Friday the 13th: A New Beginning Movie Review

Much like the Halloween franchise tried to shake things up by stepping away from Michael Meyers, Friday the 13th took on a new direction in part 5 when the filmmakers opted to take the (blog post) series past the increasingly ridiculous Jason Voorhees plot. While this didn't last any longer than this one movie, it still makes for a unique entry i

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Live & Wired Ep 123: Wait a minute...

April Fools! Or is it? I mean it is, but this isn't. Or is? Oh, funny movies who cares..?Source: Live & Wired Ep 123: Wait a minute... (blog post) - Decker Shado More Videos

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Although I have many interests, my top three are reading, walking and spending time in the company of family and friends. Because it allows me to escape reality and immerse myself in another world, reading is my favorite hobby. I enjoy going on walks, as they are a great way of getting some exercise and allow me to spend time with friends and famil

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